Dental Care


Porcelain veneers

About porcelain veneers

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin layers of ceramics, hand-made in a dental laboratory and bonded to the front surface of the tooth. These shells are a very successful solution for many situations so they are often the choice for those looking to correct a chipped corner of the tooth, or to change tooth shape, size, and/or color.

Porcelain veneers are also a great solution for broken teeth, gaps between teeth or bad tooth positioning and minor bite problems.

Are veneers the right solution for my teeth?

The first step is to visit our dental office and get consultations regarding your wishes and the possibilities we can offer. At the check-up, we will advise you on whether the veneers are the right solution for you or we will suggest another option that is better, more cost-effective and in the long term more suitable for you.

At this point, in some situations, you may only need small corrections with composite fillings, while sometimes the solution is an orthodontic therapy or a more serious procedure than just veneers.

We often hear news about famous people with veneers and it might seem like the ideal solution for perfect teeth, but every case is individual and it is necessary to examine each situation and make a series of procedures before making a decision.

The safest way is to create the so-called “mock-up” model on which the new shape of the tooth is modeled and positioned in the mouth. By using the”mock-up” model we can precisely see if this is the desired tooth appearance.

How much time does it take to construct veneers and how many times do I have to come to the dental office?

It is necessary to know that dental technicians need time to construct veneers in their laboratory. After the dentist has done the first part of the procedure – removing a small amount of front surface of the tooth – the veneers will be ready 6-8 days later and they can be cemented right away.

During your first appointment, the dentist will scrape a small amount of enamel from the front surface of the tooth and take an imprint of the teeth. When the veneers are ready, they are cemented to the teeth. You will need to visit the dental office twice in the period of 6-8 days.

Will it hurt?

No, the procedure is done under local anesthesia and is completely painless. Due to the process of scraping and the way the imprint is taken, it is possible to feel temporary sensitivity on the gums after the procedure.

Good communication with your doctor is essential for the satisfaction and a successful final result. Together we will be able to decide on what is best for your brand new smile if you allow us to propose the possible options and if you give us your time.

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