Dental Care

Pediatric Dentistry

Good habits are best introduced in early childhood.

About pediatric dentistry

What do we do during the first appointment?

The first appointment should not include working on the teeth. It is an opportunity for your child to meet their doctor in a friendly way. A small one-year-old child will not remember their first examination, but continuity and regular control are essential so that when the child is between 2 and a half and 3 years old, (when the deciduous dentition is completed) they will be ready to undergo a procedure if necessary).

Usually, during the first examination, the child will sit in the lap of the parent, and if the child is bigger and more willing to cooperate, it is good to make them sit independently thus beginning to build trust and good relationship with the doctor. During the examination, we will check the number of teeth, reveal any caries, check the bite and possible problems with the gums and the jaw, find out if the child is sucking the thumb or grinding the teeth.
We will instruct parents in the proper selection of toothbrushes and toothpaste, the method and brushing technique and the options to prevent caries.

We will be very happy to answer all of your questions and to help you preserve your child’s teeth from the very beginning! We recommend you to make routine dental appointments every 4-6 months. The more often the child visits us, the safer and more comfortable they will feel, and the problems will certainly be smaller if we react on time.

What is fissure sealing and who needs it?

It is a completely painless preventive procedure, free of enamel removal, which seals and closes the creases, roughnesses, and dimples on the surface of the back teeth. In this way, the biting surface of the tooth becomes smooth and does not retain any food remains. In this way, it is easier to keep the tooth clean and the risk of caries is significantly reduced.

In the cases when the surface of the back teeth is naturally smoother, without hollows, dimples and creases, and the child maintains excellent hygiene, no sealing is required.

On the contrary, if the teeth have naturally deep, narrow creases, they are a great place for remains of food and bacteria. Here is where bacteria have a perfectly sheltered place for growth and development, which consequently leads to the development of caries.

In these cases, the toothbrush cannot penetrate to the bottom of all the creases – this is where 5 times more cavities than on any other area of the tooth develop in early childhood.

Which teeth should be sealed?

Usually, fissure sealing is applied on the first permanent molar as well as on the second permanent molar.

If a child has cavities on only one of the first molars, it is a sure sign that it is necessary to protect and seal all the remaining three molars as soon as possible.

If the child has two or more cavities on the first permanent molars, it is advisable to protect and seal the fissures on all second permanent molars as soon as they appear.

If the tooth shape does not require it, premolars usually do not need to be sealed.

At what age is sealing recommended?

The best time to seal the fissures is immediately after the tooth development and certainly within two years. For the first permanent molar, at the age of 6, and for the other permanent molar, about the age of 12.

The reason why it is good to seal the fissures right after the tooth development is the fact that the tooth enamel is the most compliant and weakest at this time and is extremely prone to caries. We usually say that the enamel of a young recently sprouted tooth is „immature”, i.e. it hasn’t been exposed enough to the minerals of the saliva in order to become more strong and more resistant.

Of course, caries can develop in fissures at any age, but we emphasize that the enamel is the most sensitive and most compliant right after the tooth developed.

Save your child’s oral health!

Early loss of first molars leads to subsequent problems of bite, positioning, as well as to higher costs and bigger problems. Start with regular check-ups from the earliest age! We will help you make these visits a nice experience for your child and together we will make great results!

If your child had many caries and fillings on their deciduous teeth, and you are not sure how well do they brush their teeth, schedule an appointment on time and let us help your child to preserve their extremely important permanent molars!

Get in touch with us!

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let us know how we can help you.