Dental Studio Grbac

Frequently Asked Questions

Dental Studio Grbac





What are dental bridges?

A bridge is a prosthetic replacement used to substitute for a single tooth or more teeth. It is set so that it anchors and binds to your remaining teeth in the way that both sides of the missing tooth are prepared.

The bridge is cemented on the prepared teeth and bypasses the gap just like a bridge crosses a river or a canyon. For example, a tripartite bridge is made out of three crowns joined together – the two outmost are cemented onto your natural prepared teeth and the one in the middle imitates the missing tooth.

Will tooth preparation hurt?

We prepare the tooth in the same way as for regular crowns – a layer of enamel is scraped off the tooth under local anesthesia.

Will I be toothless after tooth preparation?

Of course not!
Temporary crowns are made immediately in the dental practice after tooth preparation. At no point will you leave the clinic without a tooth!

What materials are the bridges made from?

Bridges can be made out of several types of material (just like crowns): Metal ceramics, zirconia ceramics, gold or metal. All the materials are made in the same way and you can find out more about that in the section „Dental crowns“.

How many times do I have to come to the dental office and how long does the manufacturing of a bridge take?

You will have to visit us two times. In the first visit, we prepare the teeth and set temporary ones.

The second appointment will be after 3 – 8 days, depending on how demanding it is and depending also on the span of the bridge. When the work is over, the bridge is ready to be cemented.

Does cementing of the bridge hurt?

No, it does not!
Bridges are cemented under local anesthesia. Depending on the individual sensitivity of the patient, we will evaluate and, if necessary, give one of the preparations against pain at the very beginning of the cementing procedure in order to avoid any discomfort when the anesthetic wears off.

The advantages and disadvantages of bridges

Advantages of bridges:

  • Aesthetics,
  • functionality
  • Lower costs
  • less time for the final result

Disadvantages of bridges:

  • It is necessary to remove a small amount of enamel of the concerned tooth and as well as on the adjacent teeth
  • If the adjacent teeth already have crowns, they need to be removed and new ones need to be made
  • There is a risk of caries if hygiene is not maintained thoroughly and properly,

Dental crowns

What are dental crowns?

Crowns are tooth-shaped “caps”, most often ceramic (porcelain) substitutes hand-made by our technicians in the dental laboratory. We decide to use crowns in several situations: if the tooth is damaged to such an extent that aesthetic filling cannot solve the problem of shape, if most of the tooth is broken, if teeth are darkened due to treatment or if the majority of the tooth structure is missing so that the tooth threatens to break.

How many times do I have to come and how much time does it take to manufacture a crown?

It is usual to visit the dental clinic twice. During the first appointment, we prepare the teeth for the crowns and we make temporary crowns. Depending on the number of crowns and the complexity, the constructing time varies from 4 to 8 days.

During the second appointment, the crowns are finished and cemented.

How long does tooth preparation take and will it hurt?

Depending on the number of crowns and the complexity, as well as the patience of the patient, the time for tooth preparation and impression-taking varies from 1 hour to even several hours.

Tooth preparation is completely painless and it is done under local anesthesia.

Will I be toothless after tooth preparation?

Of course not!

Temporary crowns are made immediately after taking the dental impression. At no point will you leave the clinic without a tooth!

Which type of crown will be used?

We decide to use the crown if the tooth is damaged to such an extent that aesthetic filling cannot solve the problem of shape if most of the tooth is broken, if teeth are darkened due to treatment or if the majority of the tooth structure is missing so that the tooth threatens to break.

Depending on the necessity and circumstances, nowadays we are able to choose between several types of material.

What are types of crowns used?

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Dental treatment and root canal therapy

What is a dental treatment?

A dental treatment i.e. an endodontic treatment is a procedure commonly known as “root canal therapy”. It is a procedure used to remove diseased and infected dental pulp.

It is important to emphasize that root canal therapy requires a completely dry working area and that is why in our dental office we use the rubber dam to isolate completely the operative site (the infected tooth or teeth) from the rest of the mouth. The rubber dam allows us to wash the root canals with disinfectants, dry them and fill them; it also makes the procedure easier, faster and more comfortable for the patient.

Will it hurt?

The procedure is completely painless and is carried out under local anesthesia. Until now, the standard method of procedure used to last weeks or months, anesthesia was not given because the therapist had to receive feedback from the patient when he felt pain, as the pain signaled that he had reached the bottom of the canal in the root of the teeth.

This classic method was insecure, the canals were often not filled up to the bottom of the root canal and the result was the so-called granuloma. Today, many advanced techniques are available, from machine cleaning to canal measuring with an electronic device called apex locator. This is done under local anesthesia.

With the apex locator, we can measure the precise length of the canal, and make the patient feel comfortable without having to feel pain at any moment of the treatment. Each filling of the canal is carried out with biocompatible materials that are harmless for the patient. Each endodontically treated tooth is controlled by an RVG x-ray scan performed in our dental office.

How many times do I have to come to the dental office?

Usually, the treatment is performed in one or two visits in a very short time span. This saves time for the patient and minimizes the discomfort due to the procedure.

Dental Veneers

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin layers of ceramics, hand-made in a dental laboratory and bonded to the front surface of the tooth. These shells are a very successful solution for many situations so they are often the choice for those looking to correct a chipped corner of the tooth, or to change tooth shape, size, and/or color.

Porcelain veneers are also a great solution for broken teeth, gaps between teeth or bad tooth positioning and minor bite problems.

Are veneers the right solution for my teeth?

The first step is to visit our dental office and get consultations regarding your wishes and the possibilities we can offer. At the check-up, we will advise you on whether the veneers are the right solution for you or we will suggest another option that is better, more cost-effective and in the long term more suitable for you.

At this point, in some situations, you may only need small corrections with composite fillings, while sometimes the solution is an orthodontic therapy or a more serious procedure than just veneers.

We often hear news about famous people with veneers and it might seem like the ideal solution for perfect teeth, but every case is individual and it is necessary to examine each situation and make a series of procedures before making a decision.

The safest way is to create the so-called “mock-up” model on which the new shape of the tooth is modeled and positioned in the mouth. By using the”mock-up” model we can precisely see if this is the desired tooth appearance.

How much time does it take to construct veneers and how many times do I have to come to the dental office?

It is necessary to know that dental technicians need time to construct veneers in their laboratory. After the dentist has done the first part of the procedure – removing a small amount of front surface of the tooth – the veneers will be ready 6-8 days later and they can be cemented right away.

During your first appointment, the dentist will scrape a small amount of enamel from the front surface of the tooth and take an imprint of the teeth. When the veneers are ready, they are cemented to the teeth. You will need to visit the dental office twice in the period of 6-8 days.

Will it hurt?

No, the procedure is done under local anesthesia and is completely painless. Due to the process of scraping and the way the imprint is taken, it is possible to feel temporary sensitivity on the gums after the procedure.

Good communication with your doctor is essential for the satisfaction and a successful final result. Together we will be able to decide on what is best for your brand new smile if you allow us to propose the possible options and if you give us your time.


A permanent solution for tooth loss

What are implants?

Dental implants are metal posts positioned into the jawbone. They act as a replacement root for the missing tooth.

Mounting an implant?

After a titanium screw is installed, and depending on the case, an implant might need several months to fuse with the surrounding bone. The impression is then taken and the technicians construct the crown. Such a tooth acts and looks like your lost natural tooth.

The mounted implants, depending on need and case, can support:

  1. in case of the loss of one tooth – individual crowns
  2. in case of several teeth loss – bridge on the implants
  3. in case of a completely toothless jaw – All on 4 – prosthesis on 4 implants – ceramic bridge on 6 implants

What are conditions for implant-mounting?

For the implant to be mounted successfully, it is necessary to meet several conditions:

  1. Sufficient width, height, and thickness of the remaining jawbone.
    For detailed determination of the amount of bone, we need dental scans that we make directly in our Studio.
    For greater accuracy and precise cost determination, we send our patients for CT dental imaging, to scan the exact part where we plan to place the implants.
  2. Healthy or cured remaining teeth of the jaw and healthy gums without signs of inflammation

What does implant-mounting look like?

It is performed under local anesthesia and it is completely painless. The procedure is performed under sterile conditions and depending on the complexity of the case, it might last from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

How many times do I have to come to the dental office?

Twice in the interval of 3-5 months. Implant mounting is done during your first appointment.

The second visit is usually after 3-5 months: we will take the impression of your teeth and construct the necessary crowns, bridges or dentures.

Advantages and disatvantages of dental implants

Advantages of dental implants:

  • It is not necessary to intervene on the adjacent teeth
  • They are not subject to caries

Disadvantages of dental implants:

  • Increased costs
  • More planning (scans, CT)
  • They are mounted with a small surgical procedure
  • They take a few months to heal before we can put a permanent tooth replacement

What should I know?

Keep in mind that this explanation is general, talking with you is important and essential to find the best solution for your teeth!

Even in the cases where a lot of bone is preserved and the situation is perfect, it might be better to construct a bridge if the remaining teeth are damaged and with major fillings. In such a situation, it is better to prepare and protect the remaining teeth with dental crowns, thus solving two problems.

If you have a problematic bite as well as tooth loss, we will sometimes advise an orthodontic therapy as this is a smarter and better long-term solution, often at a lower cost than implant installment.

Tooth-colored Fillings

Composite fillings

What are tooth-fillings?

The fillings restore the function of the tooth and replace its structure, lost due to tooth decay or fracture.

What to expect during a filling in your Studio?

  1. Local anesthesia
  2. Setting the rubber dam – rubber sheet.
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Pediatric dentistry

What do we do during the first appointment?

The first appointment should not include working on the teeth. It is an opportunity for your child to meet their doctor in a friendly way. A small one-year-old child will not remember their first examination, but continuity and regular control are essential so that when the child is between 2 and a half and 3 years old, (when the deciduous dentition is completed) they will be ready to undergo a procedure if necessary).

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What is fissure sealing and who needs it?

It is a completely painless preventive procedure, free of enamel removal, which seals and closes the creases, roughnesses, and dimples on the surface of the back teeth. In this way, the biting surface of the tooth becomes smooth and does not retain any food remains.

Fissure sealing is recommended in the cases where the teeth have naturally deep, narrow creases, making them a great place for remains of food and bacteria which consequently leads to the development of caries.

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Which teeth should be sealed?

Usually, fissure sealing is applied on the first permanent molar as well as on the second permanent molar.

If a child has cavities on only one of the first molars, it is a sure sign that it is necessary to protect and seal all the remaining three molars as soon as possible.

If the child has two or more cavities on the first permanent molars, it is advisable to protect and seal the fissures on all second permanent molars as soon as they appear.

If the tooth shape does not require it, premolars usually do not need to be sealed.

At what age is sealing recommended?

The best time to seal the fissures is immediately after the tooth development and certainly within two years. For the first permanent molar, at the age of 6, and for the other permanent molar, about the age of 12.


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Facial esthetics and facial skin health

What is hyaluronic acid (HA)?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance of the human body and an integral part of our skin; it removes wrinkles and hydrates the skin. HA is the reason why children’s skin contains as much as 65% of water.

As we age, our body no longer needs to produce hyaluronic acid, which results in wrinkles and dry skin. Injected underneath the wrinkle, or in the desired area, hyaluronic acid acts like a sponge – it binds water and protein, thereby increasing volume, straightening wrinkles and returning moisture to the skin. It allows moisture to penetrate deep into the skin’s surface, increasing the elasticity and strength of the skin, and revitalizing the face.

Hyaluronic fillers do not threaten the natural look of the face and the mimic, and the main advantages of this treatment are the speed of the procedure, safety, and immediate results. Hyaluronic fillers are intended for the treatment of all facial areas.

Who are the treatments with hyaluronic acid intended for?

They are intended for both men and women, and one can begin with these treatments as soon as the first wrinkles appear. This might be at an early age (at the end of the twenties) or later. The appearance of wrinkles on the facial skin and the loss of hydration and fresh appearance depends on genetics as well as on lifestyle. Everyday stress, smoking and lack of sleep are the biggest enemies of our skin.

It is advisable to start the treatments with small amounts of hyaluronic fillers as soon as the first wrinkles appear. This will keep the skin youthful, maintain face contours and the skin’s moisture.

The fillers have to be supplemented approximately once a year.

How does the procedure look like?

After talking to you, we will give you our expert opinion in accordance with your wishes and to the possible effect. Depending on the part of the face where the procedure is to be performed, we select the dermal filler and application technique.

After the mentioned preparation, the filler is injected into the desired area with thin needles or, in the case of dark circles under the eyes, with the aid of a cannula. During the treatment, we inform you of how many fillers have been injected and you usually have a mirror in your hand so you can look at the effect of what has been done so far.

The length of the treatment depends on the areas to be treated and on the amount of the applied fillers, and usually between 30 and 60 minutes.

What should I be careful to avoid after treatment?

Avoid massages of the treated part of the face for a week. Avoid putting makeup on your face until the end of the treatment day.

It is particularly important for after lip treatment to avoid:

• smoking
• whistling
• drinking through a straw at least 24 hours after the treatment

Your lips are prone to temporary swelling after the treatment; we will prescribe you ibuprofen and/or antihistamines.

What is Botox?

Specific bacteria produce the Botulinum toxin type A used in medicine. The medical botulinum toxin type A is a purified form of the toxin of low concentration.

Injected in small doses into specific muscles, Botox blocks the chemical signals that contract those muscles: a muscle cannot move, the skin above it relaxes and smoothes out, thus providing smooth and straight skin with fewer wrinkles. Botox injections temporarily relieve facial musculature that causes wrinkles and makes wrinkles less noticeable.

The FDA has approved the use of Botox for adults (ages 18 to 65 years) as a temporary treatment for medium and strong wrinkles between eyebrows and for other wrinkles on the face such as crow’s feet as well as forehead wrinkles.

What can I expect during a Botox application?

During the procedure, a thin needle is used to inject small amounts of Botox into specific muscles. By carefully selecting the muscles we want to treat, we only weaken those who cause wrinkles, so that your natural expression of the face is preserved.

The number of injections depends on many factors, including the shape and characteristics of your face, the depth of the wrinkles and the size of the area being treated. For example, for crow’s feet, we usually use 2 to 3 injections, for the forehead it may be 5-7 or more injections. The injection procedure itself lasts 10 to 20 minutes, it does not require local anesthesia, and most people characterize the pain as tolerable and mildly uncomfortable.

After the treatment of Botox injection, you can expect to be able to continue with normal daily activities. Mild headaches may appear several hours after the treatment, as well as a mild blue and swollen area on the site of the injection.

What should I be careful to avoid after treatment?

6 hours after the application it is necessary to hold the head as straight up as possible and not sleep for the same amount of time. The area injected with Botox should not be massaged or touched with hands.

Avoid sauna and steam baths 24 hours after treatment. Showering is permitted if the water is not too hot. Avoid intensive aerobic exercise 24 hours after the treatment (biking, running …)

The results are visible after 3-5 days, and the actual effect is reached after two weeks. The results are not permanent: the muscle will need 3 to 6 months to start functioning again.

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